LET GO of Subconscious Guilt, Worries, Anxiety, Bitterness, Frustration, Resentment - HYPNOSIS
Do you want to stop the anxiety and stress that can build up from overthinking and worrying to much? Imagine letting go of 50% of your worries? How good would you feel? Imagine letting go of 80% of them? What would you appreciate the most about that kind of freedom? One can enjoy being free, can´t you?
Like a tree in autumn lets go of the leafs naturally and effortlessly...Your worries, overthinking and subconscious negativity will start to let go now. This hypnosis session is created with unconditional love - with the intention to help you, because I care about you. I really do. I don´t need to know you to care. I know that you and me are the one. We are all one...
Hypnosis is a natural state in which you go in and out of daily: listening to music, daydreaming, driving and not thinking about driving, right after you wake up and reading a book or being engaged in a movie. These are just a few examples. The hypnosis you see on TV is entertainment-hypnosis, and has nothing to do with clinical hypnosis (like this audio). So you will be aware and in control when listening to our hypnosis sessions, while your subconscious mind will make positive changes unconsciously. Isn´t that good to know?
This Hypnosis session is created by Kenneth Soares. He is a certified hypnoterapist and NLP trainer. It contains binaural beats (Alpha waves) and the solfeggio 528hz and 417 hz. This enhances the subconscious healing effect.
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